We’re All About You

(And Your Financial Future.)

You probably noticed we don’t have an About Us page. Why should we?

You’re here because you want to feel confident about your financial future.
And at The Princeton Group, you’ll notice every discussion and decision centers around you.

Financial Confidence Comes From Asking The Right Questions
We’re Ready to Answer Yours


There are exactly zero people who will walk the same financial path as you. Your relationship with money, your assets, your goals.
These all rightfully—and specifically—belong to you.
But along your journey, you’ll have critical questions—and what you know can mean the difference between

WF_icons_100x100-destination.pngHAVING A DESTINATION    or    WF_icons_100x100-wandering.png WANDERING IN CIRCLES

We think you should put your best foot forward. Don’t you?
If you’re just starting out, you want structure that will serve you as you work towards retirement, or you already live financially independent, you probably have a few things you want to understand.
man and son fishing on dock

If you’re 25-30 years old, you might ask:

  • How much should I save every month for my future self?
  • How can I conquer student loans?
  • What’s the smartest way to buy a house?
  • How do I invest in assets that match my purpose and beliefs?

What You Should Know:

You’re just beginning during this stage of your life. We can help you start strong and smart.
family walking in park

If you’re 30-60, you might ask:

  • How early can I retire?
  • How can I save for my children’s or grandchildren’s higher education?
  • Will I have enough to live the lifestyle I want?
  • What can I do to secure my family’s financial interests decades from now?

What You Should Know:

These are your prime earning years. Vigilant plans and sound strategies can help you make the most of the money you make.
Couple kayaking

If you’re 60+, you might ask:

  • Will my spouse be taken care of if something happens to me?
  • Which retirement accounts should I draw from first?
  • When should I claim Social Security benefits?
  • Can my current asset allocation stand up to a “worst case scenario?


What You Should Know:

Reviewing your assets and investments now is of paramount importance. We can help make sure what you have in place makes the most sense for you.

Remember: There are no silly questions.

In our experience, the only thing worse than not knowing is not asking. At The Princeton Group, you’ll be guided, never judged. Go ahead. Think of what you want to know. And then find out how we can help make the path you walk a well-defined one.